Francine Joyce - Nutritionist London

Water retention

Nutrition and other solutions in case of water retention

Water retention
Photo by Bulkan Evcimen / Unsplash

What is water retention

Water retention occurs when excess fluids build up inside the body. It can cause puffiness of the skin, swelling in the hands, feet, ankle, and legs, aching and tender limbs, stiff joints. There are several reasons why it happens but most of them are not serious (hot weather, hormones, pregnancy, periods, protein deficiency, inactivity – standing or sitting too long …). It is always best to check with your doctor as oedema can be the symptom of more serious conditions. Most of the time it is temporary and can clear up by itself.

A few easy lifestyle changes and adapting your diet will help you reduce the discomfort of water retention. In case of lymphoedema (when the swelling is caused by a blockage in the lymphatic system), compression stockings, skin care, lymphatic massages and elevation will help

Action Plan in case of water retention

people sitting on brown dock
Photo by Eduardo Loaiza / Unsplash

I how to control sodium intake to fight water retention

It is essential to reduce your sodium intake to avoid water retention.

a wooden bowl filled with white rice next to a bottle
Photo by Luwadlin Bosman / Unsplash

Do not add salt to your meals ; Don’t put the salt on the table

Reduce your consumption of products that are naturally rich in salt :

Egg whites, kidneys, shell fish, caviar, fish eggs, milk, some vegetable - celery, spinach, fennel,  carrots, turnips, chicory, ready made soups – tinned, dehydrated or frozen, industrial tomato juices                                                                                                                                                      Cheeses (particularly the fermented ones), charcuteries, ham, smoked meats or fish ; take-aways ; Choucroute, Oxo, Crakers, chips and crisps, bread (100g of bread contain 500 mg of sodium), French toasts (biscottes), biscuits and salted nuts, salted butter, cooking yeast, mustard, capers, gherkins, celery salt, pastilles Vichy, fizzy water (Vichy, Badoit, St Yorre) ;                                                                                                                                        sweets, Danish pastries, ice-creams and sorbets etc … see list below

Check the labels on  all industrial products .

 1g of salt contains 400 mg of sodium and 1g of sodium corresponds to 2,5g of salt.

II Weight and water retention

person standing on white digital bathroom scale
Photo by i yunmai / Unsplash

Reduce :

Foods rich in calories (puddings, sweets, Danish pastries, puff pastry, ice-creams, sauces, hard cheeses, large quantities of carbohydrates…)

Fatty foods  like salamis, creamy sauces, fried dishes ; try and choose low fat options in all the food groups

Salt (home-cooked foods will be lower in salt than processed foods)

Increase :

·       fibers for their effect on satiety, help with transit, inhibition of sugar absorption (fruits, vegetables, cereals, bran)

·        products rich in omega 3 (salmon, sardines, walnut and rapeseed oil)

·       Physical exercise (can be moderate but has to be regular)

 III Your Allies in case of water retention

-        Foods rich in potassium (which gently fights hypertension and helps sodium excretion) ; In addition, diuretics increase loss of potassium. Eat fruits and pulses, almonds, fish, bananas, potatoes, whole foods.

-        Foods that have a diuretic effect : cabbage, parsley, spinach, kale, asparagus, green beans, cucumber, salad leaves, cranberry juice, tea, citrus fruits, lemon, pineapple, peaches

-        Foods rich in calcium to maximise the effects of the dietetic measures : dairy products, certain mineral waters (Contrex, Courmayeur, Hépar, Taillefine), parsley, almonds, brocoli, pulses

-        Foods rich in magnesium to help with the diet – cacao, soya, almonds, beans, oat flakes, corn, dried fruits

-        Foods rich in vitamin C to prevent cardiovascular diseases (kiwi, parsley, blue berries, citrus fruits …)

IV Good habits to fight water retention

-        Lymphatic drainages to flush out extra water and boost blood circulation

-        Avoid stressful situations and exercise even if moderately but every day  (ideally 3 hours/week) to burn more calories, and maintain the weight loss (walking, biking, swimming, yoga)  ;

-        Smaller meals, more often are a better option than big meals ; Have 3 main meals/day  including : a good breakfast + lunch + a lighter dinner (+ possibly 2 breaks : 1 in the morning + 1 in the afternoon but NO snacking between meals)

Drink a lot : at least 2 liters of fluid/day : water is the best drink ; avoid alcohol, coffee, energy drinks

person holding clear drinking glass
Photo by engin akyurt / Unsplash

Stop smoking

No Smoking sign
Photo by Lex Guerra / Unsplash

 Choose healthier cooking techniques to fight water retention:

-        Steaming, grilling, baking, cooking in the micro-wave, using non-stick pans

-        Make sure butter/oil is not cooked and added only if necessary just before serving ; for salad dressings, you can use yoghurt + herbs instead of oil ; avoid sauces that use fat + flour as thickening agents

-        To add flavor to your dishes use acidic tastes : vinegar, lemon, tomatoes (raw or cooked), onions, shallots, herbs (basil, thyme, rosemary, sage, chives, tarragon …) and spices (pepper, paprika, saffron, chilli, cinnamon …)

assorted-color spoons with spices
Photo by Tiard Schulz / Unsplash

NB : avoid having grapefruit just after taking Nifedipine medications

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